We have some excellent new features that will improve your experience with NITRO Reports.
NITRO Studio Version to & Modern NITRO Studio Version to Release Notes
NITRO Workflows We’ve added a new feature that allows customers to refer back to any previous version of an item to get information from a field. This could be used for audit purposes, or general business process workflows. To read the value of a field from (n-1) version where ‘n’ is the latest version, use […]
NITRO Studio Version to & Modern NITRO Studio Version to Release Notes
NITRO Forms Enhancement: Support for drag and drop in NITRO attachments column. You can now natively drag and drop files one at a time into a NITRO Attachment column as shown below. There is no need to enable any features. Upgrading to the latest NITRO will provide this functionality:
NITRO Studio Version & Modern NITRO Studio Version Release Notes
Released: 1/2/25 NITRO Studio Updated code references to refer to a new CDN. More details here: CDN Update FAQ Page – Crow Canyon Software Support
NITRO Studio Version to & Modern NITRO Studio Version to Release Notes
Released: 11/15/2024 List Search We’ve added support for showing Custom Actions in the results of a List Search. This will enhance your ability to search for specific items, and then run Custom Actions on one or more items at once. The Custom Actions will appear in the Tool Bar above the results: To enable this […]
NITRO Studio Version to & Modern NITRO Studio Version to Release Notes
NITRO Workflows Feature: In DocuSign action, added signature tab support. With this, recipients can sign at specific places in the document. This will allow you to identify the placeholder in the document where the signature(s) should occur: Enhancement: In mail templates, support to put query list results as grid (placeholder with prefix ‘view:’). Use the […]
NITRO Studio Version to & Modern NITRO Studio Version to Release Notes
These latest updates introduce a few new features which are straightforward. The most significant change to the Version Log and Release Notes is the addition of the Modern NITRO Studio 3.x series. This is our replacement for the add-in-based NITRO 2.5.x series. Because it will take time for our customers to move to the 3.x […]
NITRO Studio Version to Release Notes
Tiles and Dials There is a new option to modify the width of the dial as shown in the web part. You’ll find this under Dial Properties -> Chart Properties -> Chart Dial Width: The default is 20px, and looks like this: But this can be adjusted to another value, like 5px, to get a […]
NITRO Studio Version to Release Notes
NITRO Workflows Feature: Added new “Document Intelligence” action to support Excel/Word/Doc document content extraction (O365 only). This new action allows you to parse new and existing documents in a document library into Azure Search AI. This allows you to connect an LLM (such as Azure Open AI) for use with our NITRO Copilot. NITRO Site Settings Feature: Added new [&helli...
NITRO Studio Version to Release Notes
NITRO Forms Enhancement: In Associated Items added an advanced JSON setting to refresh the main item display form when the associated item is updated or cancelled and if the main item is modified. In the Extended Settings JSON under the UI Settings tab, you can toggle this feature on and off by changing ‘Enabled’ to […]