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Workflows - Ability to export mail templates

We would like the ability to export and import mail templates

If possible, a copy or clone of templates would be nice.

@lori-popoffairwis-com, not sure of how you are defining export. You can  access the print templates navigating straight to the list, CrowCanyonMailTemplates. You could configure a NITRO Workflow on a schedule to produce an extract of the contents of this.




My CrowCanyonMailTemplates libraries are only populated if the send mail function was created in a Custom Action, workflows do not store them there.


Is there another location where workflow emails are stored?

@lori-popoffairwis-com, NITRO Workflow Manager mail templates in SharePoint On-premises environment will be stored in a hidden list on root site of the site collection.

We do not recommend modifying the mail templates from this list directly.

Just for your reference, List URL will be like this: rootsiteurl/Lists/CCSCommonMailTemplates/AllItems.aspx