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Printing multiple items using the Form print template option

In SharePoint I have a print template based on a form that we use to print information from an item. It works when clicking the button on the form itself, and when selecting the item and clicking 'Item Print' in the ribbon of the list itself.

Here's the challenge: we usually need to print multiple items at once, but the 'Item Print' button disappears when we select more than one item. Is there a way to print multiple items using the Form template, similar to how we can execute Custom Actions on multiple items by selecting each of them?

Thanks for the help!

Hi Art,

Currently 'NITRO Form' print template is not supported in item print, You can use 'List print' to print multiple items at once with the template type as 'Rich text with column value placeholders' and add the fields in it. You can refer to this article for more details.

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Okay, thanks for the information.
