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NITRO List View: Enhancements

I have a few suggestions for NITRO List View enhancements that would be useful (if feasible).

  1. It sounds like (based on other posts) that the checkbox selector must exist with List Views.  If a hide/show of this isn't feasible, could the width of the checkbox field be adjusted smaller with a JSON specification like other columns?  As shown in the picture, it consumes more column width than needed.
  2. Could the column titles shown in the list view:
    1. Have customizable text (for formatting/clarity and display width purposes) and/or
    2. Have a height adjustment parameter to allow word-wrap (in attached picture "Work" and "Order" could be on two lines to reduce column width)
  3. Could the view titles (tabs or dropdown selection) have customizable text instead of using the SharePoint view name explicitly?

Thank you!

Uploaded files:
  • list_view.png

Thank you for the suggestions above for Crow Canyon List Views app. We have considered the above items in our future updates and will notify on its release.