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Crow Canyon User Community Forum

NITRO StudioLast post
AnnouncementsWatch this area for new features and updated functionality with NITRO Studio!13 Topics · 26 PostsLast post: Looping Workflows Released for NIT … · 2 years ago · DavisA
Crow Canyon User Voice (formerly Feature Suggestions)Have a suggestion on a feature in NITRO that you don't see? Add it here! Upvote and comment on ones that you'd like to see, too, so we know how many users would like to see the feature.52 Topics · 134 PostsLast post: Request for Timely Release Notes a … · 3 weeks ago · pf-amalin
WorkshopsUpcoming live training workshops11 Topics · 13 PostsLast post: Conditional Function for Column Ma … · 5 months ago · lnbryant
Forms DesignerDiscuss creating wonderful, useful Forms with NITRO Studio's Forms Designer127 Topics · 436 PostsLast post: Form Event Action Not Triggering v … · 1 month ago · supportTeam
Workflow ManagerDiscuss ways to automate business processes63 Topics · 233 PostsLast post: Formatting Multiple Choice Field V … · 4 weeks ago · pf-amalin
Custom ActionsDiscuss ways to use the Custom Actions tool34 Topics · 124 PostsLast post: Dynamic File Uploads Possible · 6 hours ago · supportTeam
NITRO ReportsDiscuss how to configure and use NITRO reports9 Topics · 22 PostsLast post: Printing multiple items using the … · 1 week ago · pf-amalin
Other NITRO QuestionsFor any other questions related to NITRO not covered by Forms, Workflows, Custom Actions, or Reports34 Topics · 104 PostsLast post: Grouping SharePoint List Data by C … · 2 hours ago · supportTeam