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Can I get a count of multi-select lookup

I want to update a managed column with the number of lookup items in a multi-select lookup. It is not a user column, it is a lookup in to our own user table.

Example. I have a lookup column that I allow the user to select multiple users. When they are selecting or un selecting users, I want to update a column with the total number of users selected.

I know it would be an event on when column changes, I would use update form column, but not know what javascript or function i would use. Thanks


We can use form event actions on lookup column value change to achieve this requirement. Please follow below instructions to configure the form event action.

  • Please configure form event action on multi lookup column value change

Go to the list -> List Settings -> Crow Canyon NITRO Forms -> Advanced -> Form Event Actions -> Configure form event action as shown in screenshot 1

  • Action 1: Configure fetch list item actions to get the total number of items selected in the lookup column (see screenshot 2)
  • Action 2: Configure update item action to update the number of selected items in the lookup column.


Uploaded files:
  • FEA.png
  • Fetch-List-Items-Action.png
  • Update-Action-Column-Mapping.png
  • Update-List-Item-Action.png
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