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Associated Items / Inline editing - Please enter a value for at least one column to save the item

I'm trying to create a form in NITRO that has an Associated Item column that points to a relationship list that has a single column (user or group) using inline editing.

I can select a user or group, but when I attempt to save the associated Item, I receive a message "Please enter a value for at least one column to save the item"

This does not happen when I do the same thing with a list that has at least one SharePoint column in the associated item that is modified.

Has anyone run into this or have any suggestions?


Uploaded files:
  • Issue-02.png
  • Issue-Error.png
  • associated-items-list-settings.png
  • Add-a-sharepoint-column-works.png

Hi Brian,

We are able to recreate this locally on our side, we will fix this and let you know.

We have released the fix. Please clear your browser cache and check if you can populate 'Executive Sponsor' as the only column in the associated item column.

Brian has reacted to this post.

This is working now - thank you so much for the quick response / resolution!