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A little confused..Advance Approval.

I was looking at Avanced Approvals and went to the Nitro Portal and clicked on the app. I set it up using the app on a list on my site. It created new fields in my table and also created two new lists. I  thought that if I went to my main table and changed the "submit for approval" to yes. I assumed tht the workflow would run. I looked at the work flows and it does not appear that any new work flows were added. So basically nothing happend. Am I missing something? Also  there i s the "NITRO Studio Shop:Setting up Advanced Approval processes using custom actions and workflows". It this a seperate process that I need to do to get the other to work?  Just a side note.. You have a lot of great videos on how to make something work, but it would be nice to see it work once the process is demonistrated.

Hi @skigeek,

When we configure approval settings using ‘Advanced Approvals’ app, then it does not create new workflows in the site. The settings are saved in ‘Advanced Approval’ app only.

  1. Please send us screenshots of the approval settings.

Go to the site --> Site settings --> Crow Canyon NITRO Apps --> ‘ADVANCED APPROVALS’ --> Edit the approval setting --> Send us screenshots of the configurations. We will check and suggest.

  1. From ‘Advanced Approvals’ main screen, please click logs button to navigate to ‘CCSAdvancedApprovalLog’ list --> Change list view to ‘Last 30 Days’ --> If the logs are generated in this list, then open a list item --> Copy the contents of debug log in notepad --> Send us the file at

NITRO Studio Workshop: Setting Up Advanced Approval Processes Using Custom Actions And Workflows’ shows setting up the approval process using custom actions and NITRO Workflows. These configurations are not required if we have configured approval settings in Advanced Approval app.