Add and deploy Crow Canyon Farm solutions
Applies to: SharePoint On-Premises
This article describes how to add and deploy Crow Canyon farm solutions in SharePoint server (2013 and 2016)
Pre requisites:
- Need access to SharePoint server
- Logged-in user account should be domain user, local administrator on SharePoint server and should be a SharePoint farm administrator
- The Account should have Owner rights on SharePoint configuration database, Central Administration content database and Web Application content database
- SharePoint Admin service and Timer services need to be in running state in all servers in the farm (services.msc)
We have taken CCSSRWorkflows.wsp solution as an example.
Add solution:
Open SharePoint Management Shell (Run as Administrator) and run below commands
Run below command to add the solution:
Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath "<filename with file path>"
Deploy Solution (using SharePoint Management Shell):
Run below command to deploy the solution:
Install-SPSolution -Identity "WSP Solution Name" -WebApplication "*Web Application URL*" -GACDeployment
Go to SharePoint Central Administration -> System Settings -> Manage Farm Solutions and wait until the solution status changes to deployed.
Deploy Solution (Using Central Administration):
Go to SharePoint Central Administration –> System Settings –> Manage Farm Solutions –> click on “CCSSRWorkflows.wsp” and deploy it to the right web application (One particular web application where our application is installed).
Click Deploy solution
Troubleshooting steps in case above process does not work:
If the solution got stuck at Deploying, we can run the execute pending jobs command that will perform all the pending jobs in the server. Please follow below steps:
1. Stop the SharePoint timer and administration services in SharePoint server. Go to Start –> Type Services.msc –> Right click on it and Run it as Administrator –> stop the “SharePoint Administration” service and “SharePoint Timer” services.
2. Run Command Prompt as Administrator and set the path to “C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\Bin”.
3. Run command as “STSADM.EXE -o execadmsvcjobs”.
4. Start SharePoint administration and Timer services.
Note: In case of Multiple Servers, repeat these steps in all of the SharePoint servers that has the “Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application” Service running in it. To know the service running in the Server, please go to SharePoint Central Administration –> System Settings –> Manage Servers in the Farm. Here we can see the services running under each Server.
5. If still the solution is stuck at Deploying state, cancel the deployment from Central Administration.
Note: Run SharePoint Central Administration as run as administrator
-> Try redeploy the solution from SharePoint Central Administration
Go to SharePoint Central Administration -> System Settings -> Manage Farm Solution -> Edit the solution and deploy the solution to target web application.
we will receive the below error message then follow the below steps to deploy the solution.
-> Copy the Feature folder from any existing server and paste it in the hive location feature folder of the server where solution got stuck (C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\FEATURES/).
-> Uninstall the feature from the server using STSADM command
stsadm.exe -o uninstallsolution -name “FeatureFolderName”
-> After uninstalling the feature, delete the feature folder which we pasted in the server.
-> Now deploy the solution from SharePoint central administration
Go to SharePoint Central Administration -> System Settings -> Manage Farm Solution -> Edit the solution and deploy the solution to target web application.