Configure Approver functionality using NITRO Workflow Manager

Applies To: SharePoint Online and SharePoint On-premises


In this article, we are configuring the Change Request approval scenario using NITRO Workflow Manager. When a change request is created with a certain change type (lookup column), it sends to the corresponding approver based on the configuration in change type lookup item. A task will be created for the approver and notifies approver on task creation. Approver can make one of the possible decisions (Approve, Deny). Based on the approver decision, change request approval status will be updated. Requester can resubmit for approval for a denied change request.

List Schema:

To configure the approval feature, we need to create certain lists and fields as per the requirement, below are the schema that supports our current approval scenario.

Change Request Types list:

1.       Title (Single line of text)

a.       Purpose: Used to show in lookup options in Change Request

2.       Approver (Person or Group field)

a.       Purpose: Used to define approver for this type of change

Change Requests list:

1.       Submit for Approval (Yes/No checkbox)

a.       Default value: No

b.      Purpose: Used to initiate approval process

2.       Approval Status (choice – Options: Not required, Needs Approval, Pending Approval, Approved, Denied)

a.       Default Value: Empty

b.      Purpose: Indicates the current approval state of the change request

3.       Change Type (Lookup to Change Request Types list)

a.       Purpose: Defines the approver

4.       Work Log (Multiple lines of text)

a.       Purpose: To maintain the approver comments

Change Request Approver Tasks list:

1.       Comments (multiline plain text field)

a.       Purpose: To capture the approver comments and will be copied to Change Request

2.       Approval Decision (Choice field – Options: Approve, Reject)

a.       Default Value: Empty

b.      Purpose: To capture the decision of approver

3.       Change Request (Lookup to Change Requests list)

a.       Purpose: Link/relate the approver task to change request

Summary of Steps:

We have to create workflows on Change Request create and modify events with required actions as described below using the Crow Canyon Workflow Manager.

1.       Create a workflow on Change Requests list “on item created” event

a.       Action1: Update the “Change Request” approval status when CR is created without submitting for approval

b.      Action2: Create a Change Request Approver Task when CR is submitted for approval  with a change type that has the approver defined

c.       Action3: Update the “Change Request” approval status when CR is submitted for approval  with a change type that has the approver defined

d.      Action4: Update the Change Request Approval Status (“Not Required”) when the change type has no approver configured.

e.      Action5: Notify Requester on Change Request creation

2.       Create a workflow on Change Requests list “on item modified” event

a.       Action1: Create the Change Request Approver task when CR is submitted for approval (Submit for approval set to yes and save) with a change type that has the approver defined.

b.      Action2: Update the “Change Request” approval status (“Pending Approval”) for the same scenario described above.

c.       Action3: Update the “Change Request” approval status (“Not Required”) when CR is submitted for approval with a change Type that has no approver defined.

d.      Action4: Notify requester when the CR is approved

e.      Action5: Notify the requester when CR is denied

3.       Create a workflow on Change Request Approver Tasks list “on item created” event

a.       Action1: Notify the approver about his/her new task

4.       Create a workflow on Change Request Approver Tasks list “on item modified” event

a.       Action1: Update the Change Request “Approval Status” when approver approve it.

b.      Action2: Update the Change Request “Approval Status” when approver reject it.

c.       Action3: Complete the task (Set task status to “Completed”) when the approver make the decision (either approve or reject).

Detailed Steps:

Workflow1: Create a workflow on Change Requests list “on item created” event. Please refer

Workflow2: Create a workflow on Change Requests list "on item modified" event. Please refer

Workflow3: Create a workflow on Chnage Request Approver Tasks list "on item created" event. Please refer

Workflow4: Create a workflow on Change Request Approver Tasks list "on item modified" event. Please refer


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