Request Manager

Import Tickets using NITRO Custom Actions

Applies to: Crow Canyon O365 helpdesk application (IT Helpdesk, Facilities, Request Management) Description This article describes the instructions to import the Tickets data from CSV file using Parse CSV action in NITRO Custom Actions. Note: This article is same for IT, Facilities and Request Management applications and only difference is the name of the list […]

Attachments not getting added to the item from the Portal forms – Save Conflict error

Add delay in execution of workflows to eliminate save conflict with portal attachments Applies To: SharePoint Online and SharePoint On Premises Issue: Attachments are not getting added to the item from the portal forms – Save Conflict Error message in the Portal: Error: NotFoundError: A requested file or directory could not be found at the […]

Portal search shows the results as DispForm.aspx

How to eliminate DispForm.aspx in search results of the Portal Search Applies To: SharePoint Online and SharePoint On-Premises Issue: Portal search results shown as DispForm.aspx in the results. See sample screenshot below: Generally, in SharePoint search results, the value present in the Title field will be shown as search results in our Crow Canyon Employee […]

How to configure Recurrence feature using Crow Canyon NITRO Workflows?

How to configure Recurrence feature using Crow Canyon NITRO Workflows Applies to: SharePoint Online   Description   There are many business scenarios where SharePoint list items need to be created based on Daily, Monthly, Yearly basis or based on specific dates. This is used for cases like recurring maintenance tasks for Assets, renewing Contracts etc., […]

Request Status usage in SharePoint On-Premises V3.7

Applies to: SharePoint On-Premises V3.7 Description: Tickets list has a “Request Status” field that indicates the current status of the ticket. By default, there are four values for this status: -Not Started      Ticket is created but not assigned to any technician/assigned staff In Progress      When the ticket is assigned a technician/assigned staff, product […]

Send an email to requester asking for more details when ticket status is changed and include Employee Portal Ticket Url in the Email

1.     1. Go to Employee Portal app –> View My Tickets –> Edit any ticket. Copy the Url into a notepad and replace the Ticket number at the end of Url with [[ID || ID]] . After replacing, the url will be like:[[ID || ID]] 2.       Go to Manage Mail Templates and Create a […]

Send an email to Assigned Staff when comments are added in Work Log field

1.      1. Go to “Manage Mail Templates” in Workflow Manager app and create a Mail Template like below:  2.      Create a Workflow in the Workflow Manager like below:  –          Create workflow on Tickets list, Item Modified event with condition like : Work Log AfterChange eq [[Any]]  –          Create a Send Mail action like below : […]

O365 Service Request: Show/Hide tabs in list item form based on the selected Category

Dynamically Show/Hide tabs in item forms based on values in other columns Description: In a list we can group all the related fields as a tab using ‘Crow Canyon Forms Manager’. Using Forms Manager App we can also configure permissions on Tabs and Columns to Show/Hide tab/column based on the values in other columns such […]

Ensure user enters the value for lookup field (e.g. Category for Tickets list item)

Conditonal validation on Lookup fields Introduction When a Lookup Field is configured to be required in the field settings, then the first option gets selected by default in the new item form. Because of this users can save the item without selecting the intended value for the lookup field. Crowcanyon Forms Manager App can fix […]