Frequently asked questions regarding NITRO Branding

Applies to:

Crow Canyon NITRO activated sites in:
SharePoint Online and On-Premises 2013/2016/2019/SharePoint Server Subscription Edition


This article covers following cases:

  1. How to change font-weight of web part header text for NITRO components?
  2. How to change background color of web part header for NITRO components?
  3. How to change the color of NITRO Form header background and the color of text appearing in the form header when a form is launched in a dialog?

1. How to change font-weight of web part header text for NITRO components?

For modern UI sites:

To change the font-weight of web part header, go to the site -> Site settings -> Crow Canyon Branding (Modern sites) -> Specify ‘Extended CSS’ as shown below -> Save settings.


font-weight: bold !important;

For classic UI sites:

  1. To change the font-weight of web part header, go to the site -> Site settings -> Crow Canyon Branding (Classic sites) -> Click ‘Try New Theme Builder’ button -> Click ‘Select’ button -> Select the existing site theme from base theme picker -> Specify a new theme name if the base theme is selected from ‘Predefined Themes’ -> Specify below script in ‘Extended CSS’ below the existing script.


font-weight: bold !important;
  1. Click ‘Save Theme’ button.
  2. Go to ‘Apply Theme’ tab -> Expand ‘Custom Themes’ section -> Select the theme that is created above -> Click ‘Apply Theme’ button.

Sample output:

Before above ‘Extended CSS’ in branding.

After above ‘Extended CSS’ in branding.

2. How to change background color of web part header for NITRO components?

For modern UI sites:

To change the header background color, go to the site -> Site settings -> Crow Canyon Branding (Modern sites) -> Specify ‘Extended CSS’ as shown below -> Save settings.


.CCS-Webpart-Title {
    background: #009900 !important;
    color: #fff !important;

Note: Change the color codes as required.

Sample output:

For classic UI sites:

  1. To change the header background color, go to the site -> Site settings -> Crow Canyon Branding (Classic sites) -> Click ‘Try New Theme Builder’ button -> Click ‘Select’ button -> Select the existing site theme from base theme picker -> Specify a new theme name if the base theme is selected from ‘Predefined Themes’ -> Specify below script in ‘Extended CSS’ below the existing script.


body .CCS-Webpart-Title, #s4-workspace .CCS-Webpart-Title,.ms-webpart-titleText, div.CCS-Webpart-Title,.ms-webpart-titleText,.ms-webpart-chrome-title
background: #023047 !important;
    color: #fff !important;

Note: Change the color codes as required.

  1. Click ‘Save Theme’ button.
  2. Go to ‘Apply Theme’ tab -> Expand ‘Custom Themes’ section -> Select the theme that is created above -> Click ‘Apply Theme’ button.

Sample output:

3. How to change the color of NITRO Form header background and the color of text appearing in form header when a form is launched in a dialog?

For modern UI sites:

  1. To change the color of NITRO Form header background and header title, navigate to the site à Site Settings –> Site Administration –> Crow Canyon Branding (Modern Sites) –> General Settings –> Extended CSS –> Specify the CSS as shown below à Save settings.


.modalDialogIframeHeader {
    background: Coral !important;

.modalDialogHeader {
    background: Coral !important;

.modalDialogIframeHeader .HeaderTitle{
color: black !important;

.modalDialogHeader .HeaderTitle{
color: black !important;

Change the color names in the above script as needed.

Sample output

For classic UI sites:

  1. To change the color of NITRO Form header background and header title, go to the site -> Site settings -> Crow Canyon Branding (Classic sites) -> Click ‘Try New Theme Builder’ button -> Click ‘Select’ button -> Select the existing site theme from base theme picker -> Specify a new theme name if the base theme is selected from ‘Predefined Themes’ -> Specify below script in ‘Extended CSS’ below the existing script.


.ms-dlgTitle {     
background: Coral !important; 
.ms-dlgTitle > h1 {     
color: black !important; 


Change the color names in the above script as needed.

2. Click ‘Save Theme’ button.

3. Go to ‘Apply Theme’ tab -> Expand ‘Custom Themes’ section -> Select the theme that is created above -> Click ‘Apply Theme’ button.

    Sample output