Improve performance of the tickets list forms in Crow Canyon Service desk application

Applies To: SharePoint Online and On-Premises

To improve performance of the tickets list forms in Crow Canyon Service desk application, we can try below configurations:

1. Hide all the unused columns (columns which are not present in the tabs) from content types.

To verify unused columns, go to Site Contents –> Tickets list –> List Settings –> Verify the columns which are not used in the tabs and hide all the columns from content type which are not being used in tabs.

2. Make sure the column order in Tabs and Content types are same.

3. Index Lookup columns in Associated lists so that the associated items can load faster Eg: Index “Related Ticket ID” field in Email Tickets list since Email History is an associated item in tickets list.

4. To improve performance of list views, index the columns in the tickets list that are used in view filters so that the view could load faster.

See below table for different columns that could be indexed in Crow Canyon helpdesk application.


  Field Name                     List Name
 Requester  Tickets  Reports
 Request Status  Tickets  Reports, Views
 Assigned Staff  Tickets  Reports, Views and  Workspace
 Category  Tickets  Reports
 Priority  Tickets  Reports
 DueDate  Tickets  Views
 Related Problem  Tickets  Problems list
 Related Ticket ID  Change Request  Associated items
 Related Ticket ID  Email Tickets  Associated items, Product Maintenance Service
 Related Ticket  Time Tracking  Associated items
 Related Ticket  Associated Tasks  Associated items
 Related Problem  Problem Tasks  Associated items
 Related Change Request  Change Request Tasks  Associated items
 Case Id
 Tickets  Product Maintenance Service (SharePoint online)
 Created  Tickets  Product Maintenance Service (SharePoint online)
 Modified  Tickets  Product Maintenance Service (SharePoint online)
 Parent Item  Email Tickets  Product Maintenance Service (SharePoint online)
 Created  Email Tickets  Product Maintenance Service (SharePoint online)

5. Verify the number of lookup (lookup + Person or group) columns in Tickets list, if the number of lookup columns exceeded the threshold limit, please delete the unused lookup columns or recreate them as choice fields or text columns.


6. Make sure there are no lookup columns pointing to the same list (Eg: Related Ticket lookup in Ticket list).

7. Configure Archival functionality in helpdesk application

For SharePoint On-Premisis, please refer Archiving Settings section at

For SharePoint online, please refer

8. For more details in enhancing NITRO Form load times, please refer 


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