1. 1. Go to Employee Portal app –> View My Tickets –> Edit any ticket.
Copy the Url into a notepad and replace the Ticket number at the end of Url with [[ID || ID]] .
After replacing, the url will be like:
https://crowcanyonsystemsinc-7416fe40a79290.sharepoint.com/sites/trial1/IT2/CrowCanyonEmployeePortal/Pages/DisplayTicket.aspx?SPHostUrl=https://crowcanyonsystemsinc.sharepoint.com/sites/trial1/IT2&SPLanguage=en-US&SPClientTag=0&SPProductNumber=16.0.5910.1210&SPAppWebUrl=https://CrowCanyonSystemsInc-7416fe40a79290.sharepoint.com/sites/trial1/IT2/CrowCanyonEmployeePortal&TicketID=[[ID || ID]]
2. Go to Manage Mail Templates and Create a Template like below:
– Copy the Employee Portal Edit Form Url which ends with [[ID || ID]] and paste in template using the hyperlink button provided.
3. Configure a workflow in the workflow manager app like below:
With a send Mail action like below: