NITRO Studio Version to & Modern NITRO Studio Version to Release Notes

NITRO Workflows

We’ve added a new feature that allows customers to refer back to any previous version of an item to get information from a field. This could be used for audit purposes, or general business process workflows.

To read the value of a field from (n-1) version where ‘n’ is the latest version, use new “Last-1” option in the “Get column value for version” function, see below. This can be used for any number of versions prior to the current version, meaning Last-2, Last-3, etc are also supported.

Alternatively, you can use the new “Version” field placeholder to read the latest version of the item and use it in “Subtract Number” function to calculate the “n-1” and pass this in the “Get column value for version” function, see below. This can also refer to any previous version like n-2, n-3, etc.

NITRO Custom Actions

Similar to the above, for ‘get column value for version’ function in Custom Actions, we added support to get Nth previous version (Last-N).